Four Thieves Vinegar Recipe

Four Thieves Vinegar Recipe

Four Thieves Vinegar Recipe Legends says that during the bubonic plague 4 thieves were stealing from the dead and dying without becoming sick themselves. When they were finally caught they offered to give up their recipe that they believe had protected them in...
Fire-Cider Recipe

Fire-Cider Recipe

Fire-Cider Ferment For Winter Support… For colds, coughs and flu and all round immune, digestive, respitory and hormonal support throughout the winter. A recipe created by superstar herbalist Rosemary Gladstar and adapted by me! ;0) You can basically add almost...
Fermenting Friends With Benefits

Fermenting Friends With Benefits

Fermenting Friends With Benefits I know I bang on about fermenting A LOT, but really fermented foods and drinks are one of the all time best things you can do for your physical health (that and making friends with your thoughts of course). So I have put together a...
Fermented Pineapple Kimchi

Fermented Pineapple Kimchi

Fermented Pineapple Kimchi Recipe   Ingredients: 1 medium pineapple, peeled and chopped into small squares 2 inches of fresh ginger, chopped 8 small garlic cloves, chopped 1 – 2 tsp. chilli powder 1 tsp. paprika powder 1 tbsp. seaweed flakes (or you can use...