Living simply…
Once upon a time I thought I had to be more, do more, achieve more, have more and look and behave a certain way to be happy. In fact this made me desperately unhappy and unhealthy. After many years of ill health, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, IBS, Chronic Pain, Depression and Anxiety I became well again, not only that but happy again.
What I have come to realise is that society itself is ill and we are all busily trying to fit into it. And, by doing this we make ourselves ill. When we step away from what society expects of us and towards a more traditional, simpler, ancestral, seasonal, local, natural and connected life again we heal.
When we stop trying to be it all and have it all we realise all that we need is actually right here in front of us.
I believe that with the right fuel (thoughts, food and feelings) we can recover from almost anything.
I’m now living in central, rural Portugal, where I have a small off-grid farm, living from the land and home growing and making as much as possible. I work with clients 1-2-1 and in groups in person and online. I specialise in CFS/ME, Fibro, long covid, auto-immune concerns, hormonal health (periods – fertility – pregnancy – menopause and more) and general fatigue.
I truly believe when we return to our true nature as human beings we thrive. As such my approach with clients and life is very different to many others. It’s really is about less, not more!
You can read my full story / journey HERE and see my qualifications if needed.

Stay in touch

ThichNhat Hanh