Raw Vegan & Healthy Caramel Slices
This blog post should just be called Yum, Yum & triple Yum! These caramel slices are easily one of my favorite raw desserts. They are so easy to make, great for parties, or just a treat for the family, healthy and I haven't met a person that doesn't like them... a...
How Healing You Helps Heal Problems
You can't fix a problem with the same mindset that created! I was on the phone with someone the other day and they were in a very bad way as their partner had just broken up with them. They were going round and round in circles, getting upset as they couldn't get hold...
The Benefits of Fermented Food & Drink
Many cultures around the world have been eating fermented foods for many hundreds of years, from Sauerkraut in Germany to Kimchi in Korea and many places in between. Fermented (not pickled) foods and drinks help eliminate toxins in the body, especially in the...
Free Online Detox Summit
In celebration of the release of my new book Living a Life Less Toxic on 25.05.15 I am running a week long online Detox Summit from this coming Monday (18.05.15). Why not join me, for a week of detoxing interviews with some of my favourite inspiring authors, teachers...
A Guide to Making Kimchi
Making your own probiotic kimchi couldn't be simpler than this… Ingredients: 1/2 head of white cabbage 2 carrots (parsnips also work well) Small bag of red radish 1 small celeriac (optional) 1 small yellow onion 2 inch square of fresh ginger 4 cloves garlic (optional)...
A Guide to Making Sauerkraut
Making your own probiotic sauerkraut couldn't be simpler than this... Ingredients 1 medium cabbage 1 tbsp. sea salt Optional 1 tbsp. caraway, coriander or fennel seeds 3 tbsp. grated ginger (I highly recommend this addition) 200 – 300g grated carrot Directions 1....
Do’s & Don’ts of Depression
HTML Editor - Full Version As this week is depression awareness week and as most of you will know it's something I have suffered with quite badly during my life I thought a blog post dedicated to this topic would be my way of helping to raise awareness of this...
Nurturing your Immune System
Does your immune system need a little pick me up? Are you fed up of catching every bug going? Are you just fed up of feeling under the weather? Or perhaps you have or suspect you have an auto-immune condition? There are some simple things you can do to nurture...
Harmonious Hormones
Do you often feel like your hormones are taking over? Do you feel like a different person when ‘that’ time of the month comes round? Do you suffer from pain and discomfort, acne, mood swings, fatigue and just feel generally under the weather and run down? Are you...
Have you ever been for a walk in nature and felt ten times better afterwards? This isn’t luck or just about taking time out from your day (although this does help). It’s about our need as human beings to be connected to the planet, to reconnect with the healing powers...
An Unexpected Lesson
Me and my mind have been at odds recently; I’ve been feeling that I fall short of who, where and what I want to be. I have started to feel overwhelmed again with despair and I’ve felt that old and familiar cape of depression settling over me again. It took me a while...
Tea’s to Heal
Everyone that knows me knows I love tea! And by tea I mean healthy, herbal and healing teas. I thought I'd put together a blog about about my favourite healing tea's for you lovely people. And here it is... Warm Ginger, Lemon & Salt Tea Alkalizing, detoxifying,...
28 Day Detox – Day 27 & 28
Hello and welcome to the final blog post for the 28 Day Detox! How have you found the challenge? Easy, hard or have you just dipped in and out? It's been a great healthy start for 2015 for us all, hasn't it? So for the last two days of the challenge there aren't any...
28 Day Detox – Day 26
Welcome back! So we have almost completed the 28 Day Detox, well done to everyone that's still with us. How have you found it? So here's Friday's blog post for you to follow: Day Twenty Six (Friday): 1. Out with gluten, processed sugars, sweeteners, alcohol, fizzy...