If you feel you don’t have time to get healthy (or do anything in your life for that matter), then that’s the first thing you should work on! The perceived lack of time!

Anything that is holding you back from whatever it is that you want to do is an invitation to resolve that within your first.

If you don’t resolve the barriers first it makes it harder to start and stick to whatever it is you want.
Use your barriers, your excuses, your inner judgments as the first step to healing or moving on to whatever it is you want.
So, to bring it back to time again, if time is your reason for not getting healthy, then start with the perceived feeling of a lack of time.

I recommend then that you Tap/EFT on the feeling of not having time, how it makes you feel, why you feel you don’t have time, how you’ll never have time, all the reasons why you feel you don’t have time, how you feel silly tapping about this, get all those negative feelings about not having time out and then, then start on the positive ones.

Tap on being open to having more time, tap on giving yourself permission to heal, permission to nurture yourself and permission to let go of anything and everything holding you back from health. Then tap on having all the time in the World to heal and do whatever it is you want. Tap on time being on your side and to not having any other barriers to being fully healthy.

Take a few deep breathes, breathing in all the positive and letting go of the last of the negative.

Do this with every barrier that comes up for you, use the barrier itself to begin the healing process!

It’s all there for a reason – use it!

To learn more about tapping/Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), check out my other resources here:
Tapping made easy, here.
What’s all this tapping about, here.

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