by Faith | Sep 11, 2015 | Detox the Body, Detox the Mind, Detoxing Mind, Body & Home
Here’s a little extract from the beginning of my book Living a Life Less Toxic about belief and how my book came about… During my recovery from ME/CFS I was feeling a little lost and not knowing what to do or where to go. I knew going back to my old toxic...
by Faith | Aug 30, 2015 | Nutrition, Raw Food
I totally love this raw vegan lasagna. A little goes a long way and you can eat it cold or slightly warmed through usually a dehydrator. Ingredients: 1 large courgette 4 small mushrooms Cashew cheese: 200g cashews 1/4 tsp of dried garlic 2 tbsp of sesame seed oil 1/4...
by Faith | Aug 20, 2015 | Detox the Body, Detox the Mind, Detoxing Mind, Body & Home, ME/CFS
I recently made a short video for a new page of my website and thought i’d share it with you all there. I discuss how I became ill with ME/CFS and how I got my health and life back. I wrote a ebook a little while back, that gives some more detail about what I...
by Faith | Aug 15, 2015 | Detox the Mind, Detoxing Mind, Body & Home
If you’ve been following me recently, you’ll notice I’ve been going a bit mandala mad recently. I simply can’t stop creating this images and each one speaks to me and gives me some much needed insight. The word Mandala means both ‘center...
by Faith | Aug 13, 2015 | Free-from, Raw Food
These raw vegan cookie dough balls couldn’t be easier to make and they are great healthy treats for little and large kids and keeps well in the fridge for up to a week. Ingredients: 200g cashew nuts 200g of rolled oats 4 tbsp of cacao nibs 2 tsp of vanilla...