Dehydrated Chocolate Orange

Dehydrated Chocolate Orange

Dehydrated Chocolate Orange Pieces This is so simple, yet amazingly good! You need… As many oranges as you can fit into your dehydrator Equal parts coconut oil to cacao powder (about 100ml to 100g) 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 tsp maple syrup Directions… Slice...
Kimchi Fermented Eggs

Kimchi Fermented Eggs

Fermented Eggs! Yep you heard that right! Last year I pickled tons of eggs in vinegar but with miso, kimchi juice and herbs and spices along side. This year I decided to up my game and just directly ferment them so they become more nutrient dense and of course...
HugelKulture Beds

HugelKulture Beds

Hugelkultur, pronounced hoo-gul-culture, means hill culture or hill mound. A Hugelkulture bed is when you dig down around half a meter (to create a large hole) and fill the space with logs, branches, kitchen and garden waste, mulch etc, adding in a some of the soil...
Earthing / Grounding

Earthing / Grounding

Earthing/Grounding For many years now and as often as I can I get as much skin as possible in contact with as much earth as possible, for as long as possible!  This very simple ‘technique’ has huge positive effects on mental and physical health.  It’s free, easy and...
The Truth About Oral Contraceptives

The Truth About Oral Contraceptives

The Truth About Oral Contraceptives I think most people now are realising what a s#@t-storm of chemicals they willing took into their bodies for years on end.  I myself was on the pill for some 14 or 15 years and I had no idea what it was doing to me.  I thought it...