So how has everyone got on with the last two days?

I hope your all getting into the swing of things now?

So for day three we’ll be carrying on with everything from day one and two but increasing some of them and adding an additional two items to your daily regime. Note the increase with meditation time below.

Day Three (Wednesday):

1. Out with the gluten

2. Out with the processed sugars, alcohol, fizzy drinks and energy drinks.

3. Meditate for 5 mins a day (rather than 3-5 mins on the previous days it’s now a nice round 5mins! – you can find loads of 5 min guided meditations online to listen to or download for free).

4. Drink at least 2 litres of water a day (this has gone up slightly as we are going to increase this until we are drinking the required amount for our body).

5. Do 10 seconds of planking.

6. Pick another drawer or cupboard to de-clutter, but use the natural vinegar solution (mentioned in day two) as a cleaner rather than any toxic chemicals.

7. Gratitude Pad. Note 10 things you are grateful for in your gratitude pad.

8. Increase the amount of steps or length of time you walked for on day two by 5% on day three.

9. Cut out alcohol and fizzy drinks.

10. Probitoic! If you haven’t started taking or ordered one, then do that today.

New for Day Three:

11. Cut out sweeteners (most of these do us more harm than good and most of us are intolerant to them as our body finds it hard to process them, especially if they are chemically-produced sweeteners). Use honey to sweeten instead.

12. Eat your 5 a day! Try to consume at least 5 fruits or vegetables today. Preferably raw. If not, then at least not really well cooked. This is so they retain as many of their essential vitamins and minerals as possible. If they are eaten raw then they will also retain high levels of enzymes, which is essential for overall health, absorption, digestion and underpin most of our bodily functions. Why not try starting your day with a smoothie full of all this goodness? Remember for optimum uptake of nutrients you should always have a little fat with your fruits and veggies, so add a little olive or coconut oil to smoothies and juices or salad dressings.

So that’s it for Day Three!

If you have any questions please post them below and I’d be happy to answer them.

PS- You’re doing great!

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