Do’s & Don’ts of Depression

HTML Editor – Full Version As this week is depression awareness week and as most of you will know it's something I have suffered with quite badly during my life I thought a blog post dedicated to this topic would be my way of helping to raise awareness of...

An Unexpected Lesson

Me and my mind have been at odds recently; I’ve been feeling that I fall short of who, where and what I want to be. I have started to feel overwhelmed again with despair and I’ve felt that old and familiar cape of depression settling over me again. It took me a while...

Swapping one Mask for Another

There are times when I have felt like there were two ‘mes’. One ‘me’ that the world saw and one me that only I saw (or those closest to me). It was like I was wearing a mask… I felt like this during my teenage years and during much of my...

Feeling like a spiritual fraud?

It can be a tricky road, this road to being more spiritual. Is it just me or does everyone else seem like they have it all figured out? The more spiritual I’ve tried to be the less authentic I’ve felt. Is it just me or does this ring true to you as well? •...
What’s all this tapping about?

What’s all this tapping about?

For those of you that haven’t really come across EFT/Tapping before or haven’t got the foggiest what it is I thought I’d put together a blog to explain this amazing tool you could all easily learn to use. This is the official definition for Emotional...