Don’t have time to be healthy?

If you feel you don’t have time to get healthy (or do anything in your life for that matter), then that’s the first thing you should work on! The perceived lack of time! Anything that is holding you back from whatever it is that you want to do is an...

Fermented Red Onion Relish

Here’s a very quick, easy, yummy and super healthy fermented recipe you can rustle up in no time at all and add to the side of many different dishes. Ingredients: 6 purple onions, coarsely chopped 4 tsp black peppercorns 3 tsp Himalayan or sea salt Filtered...
Inspiring Reads

Inspiring Reads

Most of you will know that I love a good book, or for that matter any kind of book. In fact books are a little bit of an addiction for me! However it takes a special kind of book to make it onto my inspiring reads list and here is that list…   Way of the...
Are You Sacrificing Your Happiness?

Are You Sacrificing Your Happiness?

Could you be sacrificing your current happiness for your possible future happiness? So many people say they will be happy when… * they have that new car * secure that job * find someone to love * have somewhere new to live * have more money * get that new outfit...