Self-Love Summit

Today marks the start of my Self-love Summit! I was inspired to put this summit on because I am in the process of writing my third book ‘Let Love In’, which is all about loving ourselves and our lives more. As a serial self-loather, instead of self-lover I...

Everything is happening just as it should!

It’s hard to believe that everything in our life is happening just as it should, especially when really bad things happen. When I used to hear people say to me ‘everything happens for a reason’ I used to agree with them if what was happening was nice...

Stop Fighting Life!

A recent trip to Wales was a beautiful reminder to stop fighting life! Anyone that knows me knows that I like to write when on a train journey. I do my best writing on trains, I feel really inspired, with no distractions and gets lots done. I’ve even booked...

Fermented Kombucha Mustard

I love this super simple, super healthy probiotic fermented mustard recipe! Ingredients: Whole mustard seeds Kombucha (to cover) 2 Garlic cloves 1 heap tsp Turmeric 1/2 tsp paprika 1-2 tbsp of lemon or lime juice (to taste) 1 tsp Himalayan Salt or Sea-Salt Directions:...

An Invitation to Invite More Love in…

As some of you know I am in the process of writing a third book about loving ourselves and our lives more! Why? Because I have found underneath much of the pain, discomfort, trauma and ill health for many people is a lack of self-love. And when we resolve this, when...