by Faith | Mar 11, 2024 | Detox the Body, Detox the Mind, General
We can recover from just about anything! Why? When you realise that almost all deficiencies, intolerances and allergies come from nervous system dysregulation and stored trauma you realise these can be healed. When you realise that almost all pain and discomfort in...
by Faith | Mar 11, 2024 | Farm Life, General
Raising Worms… A great way to give chickens regular protein is to raise your own meal worms. There are two ways of doing this. You can buy some meal worms and then start a meal worm farm, or you can catch flies – I’ll do another post on this some time soon. Meal worms...
by Faith | Jan 15, 2024 | Farm Life, General
Probiotics for Animals… Animals benefit just as much from fermented foods and drinks as people do. Especially if they arent free-range (meaning their normal diet is restricted), or if they are given medicines like antibiotics etc and are fed on processed animal...
by Faith | Jan 9, 2024 | Detox the Body, Detox the Mind, General
I guess I think of myself as bit of a fatigue expert! I suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) for 6+ years and prior to that adrenal fatigue since my teens and now I feel vibrant and energised all the time. So, maybe I know a thing or two (or maybe I just got...
by Faith | Nov 28, 2023 | Detox the Body, Detox the Mind, General
Electromagnetic Stress (EMS) & how it hinders health With this new technological age come new technological illnesses. Electromagnetic stress is the subtle, or not so subtle, effect of stray or chaotic electrical and magnetic fields on the human body. All...
by Faith | Oct 24, 2023 | Detox the Mind, General
Crazy Wild Gratitude Why is the practice of gratitude so beneficial for us? Firstly, it helps us focus on what is good in our life/the World instead of what we perceive as bad/wrong. But mainly, it helps our nervous system to regulate itself. When we start to notice...