by Faith | Mar 13, 2025 | Farm Life, Fermented / Cultured / Probiotic, Preserves
How to preserve herbs… Freezing – Pick fresh herbs, chop them up and freeze them into portions as they are or in olive oil or butter in ice cubes trays. These will only stay good/nutrient dense for 1-3mths this way. Drying – Pick fresh herbs and hang them up in...
by Faith | Mar 6, 2025 | Farm Life, Fermented / Cultured / Probiotic, Preserves
Ways to preserve your harvest… It’s easy to get carried away sowing all the seeds and planting all the trees and plants, but what happens if it all actually works? If you end up with hundreds of courgettes (which is so easily done) or you have a bumper crop of...
by Faith | Feb 13, 2025 | Fermented / Cultured / Probiotic
Grow your own scoby… Many people believe you need a scoby (mushroom looking thingy) to make Kombucha and search high and low for someone (like me) with some to spare. When, in fact you can so easily grow your own, because the scoby is in fact a bi-product of...
by Faith | Nov 21, 2024 | Fermented / Cultured / Probiotic, General, Uncategorized
Fermentation Reduces Oxalates As you know if you have been hanging around here for a while, fermented foods and drinks are so good for sooo many things (I will link my benefits list in my stories). But recently even though I have been a total fermenting freak for...
by Faith | Oct 9, 2024 | Fermented / Cultured / Probiotic
Alternative Seasonal Soda’s using a Ginger Bug Starter Ingredients: Choose a base from one of the below items 375ml sugar 2 lemons, juiced 6L of water 1x ginger bug Directions: Put chosen base and 2L of water into a large pan and bring to the boil. Once...
by Faith | Aug 31, 2024 | Fermented / Cultured / Probiotic
Black Bean Miso There are so many different miso recipes you can try, I don’t eat soya, so I experimented with a lot of different one’s an found, by far that my favourite in back bean miso, so here’s the recipe for that… Ingredients 800g of black beans 1kg of koji...