Black Bean Miso
There are so many different miso recipes you can try, I don’t eat soya, so I experimented
with a lot of different one’s an found, by far that my favourite in back bean miso, so here’s
the recipe for that…

800g of black beans
1kg of koji rice
100ml of black bean water
200g of sea-salt, plus more for sprinkling on top
100ml of black bean water

1. Cook the beans in a pressure cooker for 20mins (or in saucepan until tender if you
don’t have a pressure cooker). Allow beans to cool down.
2. Put everything apart from the salt for sprinkling into a food professor and blend.
3. Put everything into a large jar and push down so there are no gaps anywhere.
4. Sprinkle salt on top to completely cover the mixture.
5. Put some wax paper on top to completely cover the surface and then weigh this
down with sterilised crock weights or a stone.
6. Store in a cool dark place for at least 3 months, but preferably 6 – 9 months.
7. Keep refrigerated once you start using it.
Black bean miso notes
1. It’s quite likely mold will form on top of your miso, this is normal and you can just
scrape the mold before you start using it.
2. You can use soya, split peas, kidney beans, rice and more to make miso.
3. Some people use a little bit of a previous batch to get the next batch ‘going’ you can
do this but it is not necessary.

This is sooo good, so much better (and of course healthier) than any soya bean based miso’s.

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