How to know what to eat…

How to know what to eat…

How to know what to eat… The first thing to consider is to do nervous system regulating techniques before each meal.  When the nervous system is more regulated you uptake the nutrients from your food more easily.  Sitting down to eat feeling stressed/anxious and/or...
It’s time to go back to books!

It’s time to go back to books!

It’s time to go back to books! I’m not just saying this because I’ve published some books, and this is going to sound like some sort of conspiracy theory, but you must have noticed this yourself!?… When you look things up online now, even if you use an...
The Journey…

The Journey…

The Journey… Just over 8 years ago I had just returned from my 500m/800km pilgrimage along the French route of the Camino de Santiago. I walked this distance in 24 days, my last day completing 52km in one day. I share this not to brag but to share the journey...
How to Stay Healthy

How to Stay Healthy

I wanted to share with you what I do/don’t do to remain healthy.  This list has evolved over the years from my research and thus recovery from CFS/ME, Fibro, Chronic Pain, IBS, OCD, Body Hating, Hashimoto, Serious Thyroid Issues, 3 Heart Conditions. Anxiety and...