Benefits of Cabbages…

As cabbage is the bases for many fermented foods I thought I’d share a little bit about this unlikely powerhouse of health.  Here’s some of the benefits of each cabbage (even un-fermented), then if you fermented it you are adding in tons of good bacteria also (which has it’s own and VERY long list of benefits).

High in antioxidants

Contains Vit C, K, B6, folate, calcium, thiamine, magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, fibre & beta-carotene (Vit A)

Is a great detoxifier

Can improve brain function, heart disease, rheumatism, gout, arthritis and be helpful against cancer & protects our skin, hair & bones.

Lastly, it’s an excellent pre-biotic, which means it gives fuel to the probiotics in your digestive system so they can thrive there and not just pass through.  You need prebiotics as well as probiotics to benefit from probiotics of any kind.  This is one of the MANY reasons cabbages are an amazing base for many fermented foods!

Many people avoid the cabbage family because they are worried about what it does to their thyroid, but you would have to eat piles and piles of it for it to have any negative effect on your thyroid, where as gluten and soya have a negative effect on the thyroid even when consuming very small quantities. So, get that sauerkraut on your plate and avoid gluten and soya for thyroid health.



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