by Faith | May 6, 2015 | Fermented / Cultured / Probiotic
Making your own probiotic kimchi couldn’t be simpler than this… Ingredients: 1/2 head of white cabbage 2 carrots (parsnips also work well) Small bag of red radish 1 small celeriac (optional) 1 small yellow onion 2 inch square of fresh ginger 4 cloves garlic...
by Faith | Apr 28, 2015 | Fermented / Cultured / Probiotic
Making your own probiotic sauerkraut couldn’t be simpler than this… Ingredients 1 medium cabbage 1 tbsp. sea salt Optional 1 tbsp. caraway, coriander or fennel seeds 3 tbsp. grated ginger (I highly recommend this addition) 200 – 300g grated carrot...
by Faith | Apr 23, 2015 | Detox the Mind
HTML Editor – Full Version As this week is depression awareness week and as most of you will know it's something I have suffered with quite badly during my life I thought a blog post dedicated to this topic would be my way of helping to raise awareness of...
by Faith | Apr 21, 2015 | Detox the Body, Digestive Health
Does your immune system need a little pick me up? Are you fed up of catching every bug going? Are you just fed up of feeling under the weather? Or perhaps you have or suspect you have an auto-immune condition? There are some simple things you can do to nurture...
by Faith | Apr 14, 2015 | Detox the Body, Digestive Health
Do you often feel like your hormones are taking over? Do you feel like a different person when ‘that’ time of the month comes round? Do you suffer from pain and discomfort, acne, mood swings, fatigue and just feel generally under the weather and run down? Are you...