Could you be sacrificing your current happiness for your possible future happiness?

So many people say they will be happy when…
* they have that new car
* secure that job
* find someone to love
* have somewhere new to live
* have more money
* get that new outfit
* finish that relationship
* tell there boss where to stuff it

The problem is by placing your happiness on other things, places and people in the future your current happiness is being sacrificed.

All the above may make you feel happy for a short time, but what then? Then you want something else to make you happy, at some point, in some future.

What if, for just today you allowed yourself to be happy with every little tiny thing in your life?

What if you have everything within you to be happy right now?

You do!

You have been given the magical gift of life and nurturing your inner happiness rather than outer distractions to happiness is the best thing you will ever do for yourself during your life.

All the things listed above are lovely, but if you think they will make you happy then I invite you to put the same amount of time and energy you are using on wanting to achieve these things into nurturing your inner happiness instead.

If you want love, peace, beauty, support, security or whatever it is, the only way you will truly find this is on the inside, so start there!

Wake-up, smell the coffee (or herbal tea, ha) and see you are the embodiment of happiness right this very instant!

Don’t let the mind sacrifice you current happiness for a possible future happiness!

Nothing in your life has to change for you to be happy apart from your thinking about what makes you happy!

I invite you to ponder that one for a while!

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Check out my new book Living a Life Less Toxic (how to live in a less toxic mind, body, home and environment) here.

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