Welcome back!  

How did everyone get on with the first day then?  Did you find it easy, hard, or did you forget to start?

Day Two (Tuesday):

For Day Two we will be continuing with all of Day One’s goals but with a few extra added on. When you build on each day like this you remove the chances of feeling rubbish from the detox and you give your body time to eliminate the toxins being released, rather than reabsorbing them (which happens with most short and intensive detoxes).

This means you continue with all of these:

1. No gluten (Check out day one for tips)

2. No processed sugars, alcohol or fizzy drinks.

3. Meditate for at least 3-5 mins (preferably a guided meditation if you’re new to this)

4. Drink at least 2 litre’s of fresh (preferably filtered) water throughout the day (not from plastic, if possible)

5. Complete 10 seconds of planking (see day one for more info)

6. Pick one drawer or cupboard to de-clutter (recycle, reuse or donate as much as possible…this is what the cardboard box(es) is/are for).


The extra bits for Day Two: 

1. Cut out Energy Drinks

Cut out all energy drinks (if you haven’t cut these out already). These are incredibly bad for us, not only is the caffeine levels way beyond what we should be consuming, but the sugars, sweeteners and other toxins in them mess with hormones, blood sugars levels, mood, metabolism and much more. Begone I say!

2. Probiotic

If you have any probiotics start taking them; if you don’t then order/purchase one and start taking it as soon as it arrives (you should take pro-biotics for 6 – 24 months for maximum effect, so the sooner you start taking them the better).  Take a probiotic with at least one billion friendly and multiple strains of lactobacillus bacteria in – this will help with digestion, enzymes levels, absorption, intolerance’s and yeast overgrowth’s caused by overindulging and stress. If you have access to a health food store then get yourself some fermented foods and drinks and consume these daily instead (by these I mean kefir, unpasteurized sauerkraut, kimchi and kombucha), these are incredibly high in probiotics, are highly detoxifying and help balance the body.

3. Natural Cleaner:

When de-cluttering replace normal chemical household cleaners with natural and healthy vinegar solutions. Find a disused spray bottle and add one part white vinegar to 2 parts water, then add the juice of half a lemon or lime (or squirty lemon if you don’t have any fresh) and/or add 20-30 drops of essential oils (oils like lime, lemon, cedar, clove, tea-tree, and lavender work best).  Shake well before each us.

This can be used on floors, windows, kitchen side and in bathrooms (but not round sealant as it can eat away at this).  It may still smell vinegary as you’re using it but the smell quickly disperses.  You should avoid unpainted wood, but everything else should be fine. This stuff works great, it’s cheap, it’s environmentally friendly, it’s also pet and more to the point human friendly. Normal cleaning products are absorbed through our skin and our respiratory system and can be stored in our fat cells, interfere with hormones and mood, can cause depression, can cause weight issues and are highly toxic to our system.

4. Gratitude Pad

Find yourself a small notepad (one that’s easily carried around) and write 10 things you are grateful for in it each day.  These could be things like health, loved ones, having a wage, pets, a warm home, food, good hair, skin, having certain people in your life, being able to travel or being at peace.  The choice really is yours it can be anything you like as long as you’re grateful for it pop it down, if you find yourself putting more down that’s fine.

5. Walking

Use a pedometer or a stop watch to get a rough idea of either how many steps you take or how long you are walking for in the day. We’ll start to build on this in future days.

So that’s Day Two for you!

If you have any questions or queries then please post them below.  And please feel free to share how your getting on with things so far.