Tips for travelling with chronic illness…
- Ground (bare feet on the soil) if you can before travel and as soon as you can after travelling (this is especially important on very long journeys).
- Tap/EFT on all the doubts, worries and stressors about it as they come up. Don’t let them keep going around in your head and gaining momentum.
- Print all your documents and get passport and any other documents ready way in advance.
- Start packing weeks in advance. Leave your suitcase somewhere and slowly add things to it as you remember them.
- Tap/EFT during the journey on any new stressors or worries.
- Be in your heart as much as possible during the journey (put your hand on your heart and breathe there as much as possible).
- See if you are eligible to airport assistance and get this booked right away.
- Meditate/visualize and ground on the plane as much as possible.
- Get to the airport more than 2hrs in advance of your flight so you can take your time finding your way around and relaxing.
- Always opt for the elevator or escalators, even if you feel OK… airports are very big and before you know it you’ve walked miles if you don’t make use of these.
- Pack your own snacks (airport and airline food is terrible tasting and terrible for you).
- Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol and sugary drinks/snacks.
- Avoid using wireless headphones etc and get some cheap wired ones.
- Take your time, there is no rush, try to enjoy the process instead of being stressed by it. This can and should be fun!
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