There are times when I have felt like there were two ‘mes’. One ‘me’ that the world saw and one me that only I saw (or those closest to me). It was like I was wearing a mask…
I felt like this during my teenage years and during much of my twenties as well. But when I started to heal both mentally and physically, I felt like my false mask started to fall away and I became authentically me! This was a wonderful feeling, not pretending to be someone I wasn’t and it made me feel whole and complete. However, the more I aligned with myself, the world and source/spirit, the more I felt a new mask slipping into place exactly where the old one had been.
This new mask, was hiding my spiritual side in case people thought I was odd, weird or into some ‘strange voodoo stuff’ (to quote the phrase my husband lovingly uses).
I thought to myself ‘this can’t be right, why do I need to pretend to be something I’m not again and why have I replaced one mask with another?’. As soon as I asked myself this question, the answer became crystal clear. Deep down, I still felt the need to be accepted, and I was worrying about what others thought about me. As soon as I realised this, I felt a shift in myself, like another piece of the puzzle had just slotted into place and the mask slowly slipped away again as I reinforced in myself that only ‘I’ need to accept ‘me’ as the longest and deepest relationship I’ll ever have is with myself!
Since this time more and more like minded people have started to show up in my life. People I do not need to wear any sort of mask for and people who would accept me whatever ‘voodoo stuff’ I was into!
In life you attract what you put out. I was wearing masks for much of my life and I used to attract people wearing their own masks as well. I often wondered why people couldn’t be truthful, open, and honest with me, when I wasn’t being like this to myself or those around me. Now things are the complete opposite, I have lots of lovely people around me who’s souls shine through, with no masks attached!
Embrace that was feels right in your soul and let the rest fall by the wayside. When you are authentically you, you’ll attract others who are authentically them and your life will be far easier and happier for it!
What feels right in your soul that you’re hiding away?
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