A recent trip to Wales was a beautiful reminder to stop fighting life!
Anyone that knows me knows that I like to write when on a train journey. I do my best writing on trains, I feel really inspired, with no distractions and gets lots done. I’ve even booked return train journeys for no other reason than to write.
So, when I turned up at the train station to get my first train to Wales to find out that there was a replacement bus service on, that would also take longer and I would have to make lots of additional changes I could have easily jumped on the ‘oh shite bandwagon’ (like I have so often in the past). But all this would have achieved would be to make me stressed and closed off to any potentially magical experiences along the way. Instead I caught myself before jumping on that particular bandwagon and instead jumped on the ‘oh cool, I wonder what amazing things will happen today’ band-wagon instead.
By jumping on this bandwagon I was open to see the wonder around me and enjoy lifes treasures. I was gifted with beautiful snowy scenery I wouldn’t have seen from the train, wonderful conversions with complete strangers and many hours of enforced rest (book reading and scenery watching), which I was most certainly in need of.
When we stop fighting life and just trust everything is happening just as it should we see the splendor of life set out in front of us. I know it can seem hard to do this when bad things are happening, but becoming consumed with the bad not only doesn’t help a situation but it makes it hard to see a way out and of course effects our mental and thus physical health really badly as well. Try to be open to all of lifes experiences, no matter if you perceive them as good or bad and see what happens, the alternative has never really helped has it, so what have you really got to lose?
I’ve been adopting this way of living with all areas of my life recently and it is allowing me to live an open, full and inspired journey each and every day.
Stop fighting life, it closes you off – start living it openly instead!
I double dare you to give it a go!