A month ago I finally got 3 small geese.  Two females and one male.  I’m learning quickly about them and how different it is to having chickens and in fact in many ways much easier and cheaper than chickens.  I’ve socialising and handling them a lot, so they don’t turn into shi#es when they are older and so far. so good!

I thought I’d share what I’ve learnt so far and add to this list as I learn more.  I did a similar one a few years ago about chickens too, that you can find here.

What I’ve learnt about geese so far…

They grow super-fast, they are like courgettes, turn your back for 5mins and they’ve doubled in size!

They are very cheap to fed.  They do eat some grains and seeds that you feed chickens and such like, but they mainly graze throughout the day.

They don’t want or need as much protein as others birds do.

They LOVE cabbage.  If they think you have cabbage they’ll go crazy for it.

They don’t like going to bed and won’t take themselves to bed (unlike chickens), so they usually need to be bribed… with cabbage ;0)

They don’t swim as much as I thought they would, but you can see how much they love it when they do!

They poo a lot!

They drink a lot and their water needs to be fresh and deep enough so they can submerge their nostrils and beaks whilst drinking.

They can be a bit stupid!

They have poor night vision

I look forward to learning more from my wee courgettes (who, by the way had fluffy green fur to start with).

They are going to be great Guard-Geese when fully grown and protect the other birds (as well as me probably ha).

Do you have geese?  What have you learnt?


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