
It really couldn’t be simpler to make your own perfumes!

Normal perfumes are full of thousands of toxins, which are absorb through our skin and we also breath in through our respiratory system.  But, when we make our own perfumes, from essential oils and water they are not only natural, non-toxic and Eco, but they smell divine and of course we get to choose our favorite scents or even essential oils that help with health ailments we may be going through.



1.  A selection of your favourite essential oils

2.  A small (50ml or 100ml), empty spray bottle or small empty rollerball perfume bottle



1.  Fill the bottle to about 8/10 of the way up with filtered water.

2.  Add anywhere between 20 – 50 drops of essential oils, to make a fragrance you like the smell of.

3.  Replace the lid and shake well.  You will need to shake the bottle well before each use because the oils sit on the surface of the water otherwise.

4.   If you doubt you will use the perfume within 4 weeks then add a couple of drops of white vinegar or a white spirit to help preserve the perfume.

I partially like a mixture of orange, grapefruit and lemon or ylang ylang, lime and aloe vera.

If you use a spray bottle then you can also use it as room spray… bonus!

For more natural, easy and cheap recipes check out my other blog posts under Natural Products here or my book Living a Life Less Toxic book here.


Here’s a few links from a few other people, about how to make your own natural perfumes:

Homemade Natural Perfume Recipe, here

Homemade All Natural Perfume Recipes, here

DIY Herbal Perfume Recipe, here