Helping Histamine Intolerance…

Many people have histamine issues and have no idea!  If you regularly suffer from a lot of the following list then you may have histamine intolerance going on;  Allergies, hay fever, frequent runny nose, congestion, sore &/or swollen throat, flushes, menstrual issues, headaches, sleep disturbances, blood sugar issues, skin problems, digestive complaints (bloating, diarrhoea or constipation), nausea, dizziness, anxiety and fatigue.

If you eat a lot of the following things daily then it’s much more likely…

Aged cheese, aged/dried meats, canned fish & meat, tuna, pork, smoked foods, green/black/white tea, chocolate, bananas, avocados, many nuts, dried fruits, milk kefir, yogurt, fermented foods & drinks, booze, bone broth, vinegar, tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, citrus fruits and processed foods.

Basically, if your currently suffering with histamine intolerance symptoms you have too much histamine in your body &/or not enough DAO to deal with the histamine in the body.  DAO breaks down histamines you take in from foods.

The thing is histamine issues are generally a sign of an impaired digestive system (with some other ‘root’ issues that make you more susceptible to these sorts of things) but, it is ‘fixable’ and not something, despite what some may say that you are stuck with.

For this reason, it’s important to start to look into healing the digestive system and then, assuming you look after your health and don’t go and binge on all of the above items in one go you will be able to consume these foods again without trouble moving forward.

Here’s some recommendations of how to do this…

  • Strictly stop consuming all the above foods (for now).
  • Strictly stop consuming other things that aggravate the digestive system right away.  Things like gluten, grains, soya and probably dairy for many people.
  • Add in some really good quality (from the fridge not the shelf) probiotics that DO NOT have Lactobacillus in them but instead Bifidobacterium.
  • Eat real, seasonal, and local food (we do not have the microbiome to utilise foods out of season and from different parts of the World).
  • Focus on your circadian rhythm.  Rise with the sun, go to bed by 10.00pm, get your skin in contact with the earth daily and your eyes and skin in contact with the sun or day light daily.  Wear blue-light blocking glasses whenever looking at screens.
  • Look at reducing your stress and regulating your nervous system.
  • You are probably not detoxifying very well, so remember to gently support detoxification and DO NOT just do random and intense detoxes, as this could make you feel worse.
  • Take DAO if you are having a bad flare-up and not antihistamines (as this only worsens the issue over time).
  • There is also a homeopathic remedy called Histamine you can take for flare-ups too.
  • Ingesting a tiny amount of beef kidney once or twice a week seems to fix many people’s histamine issues.
  • If your digestive system is in a good way then there may be a deeper root cause, this could be…
  • Medications (especially histamine blockers & antidepressants), mould, Mast Cell issues, MTHFR (and other gene ‘mutations’), toxicity (from skin, hair, homecare products &/or heavy metals), gluten intolerance, IBD, SIBO, candida, parasites, H-Pylori, nutrient deficiency, or hormonal imbalances.

Know that this can and will heal if you follow your bodies whispers and eat and live more naturally, seasonally, locally, and simply.

Although we behave more and more like robots, we are animals and many health issues disappear the more we remember this!



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