Nature / Electron Deficiency…

For years I’ve been talking about nature deficiency and how this seriously effects our health, how underrated it is in most people’s healing routine and how easy it is to fix.

Anyway, I’ve recently found out this actually has a scientific name… electron deficiency!

Basically, we are animals, we need to be in and connected to nature as much as possible to be well.  We need to live more connected to our body, food, community, planet and sun to thrive.

Eating food that is not natural for us, sleeping in very unnatural ways and, wearing sunglasses & sun cream (& other toxic stuff on our skin), spending most of our time inside, in boxes, in front of screens, surrounded my blue-light (screens and LED lighting) and stress reduces our electrons.

Electrons hold electrical charge and are the foundation for EVERYTHING happening in the body.  We depend on electrons to live, thrive, and supply us with energy.  We cannot live without them, and we are depleting them all the time from living very unnatural lifestyles.

Good news is, we can easily replenish electrons too and we do this, like this…

  • Getting our skin in contact with the earth EVERYDAY
  • Getting the sun in our eyes, especially at sunrise & sunset EVERYDAY
  • Getting our skin in the sun (or daylight) EVERYDAY, but especially at sunrise, noon & sunset
  • Drinking good quality, clean water (not tap or bottled waters)
  • Eating natural, seasonal & local foods EVERYDAY
  • Eating a lot of healthy fats & reduced carbohydrates EVERYDAY

Basically, if we want to spend a good proportion of our life indoors, around screens, electrical appliances, and LED lighting then we have to top ourselves up again every single day otherwise this will eventually affect our health is some serious ways.  We can end up with some serious chronic illnesses.  But, as you can see returning to our true nature where possible can undo the harmful effects of living in this crazy-ass society.



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