Elderberry Chutney Recipe

I’ve made tinctures, honeys and all sorts of other things in to preserve and use elderberries as a medicine, but I prefer my medicine in food form if I can.  And here it is…


500g elderberries

2 apples, diced

1 onion, diced

50g raisins

½ tsp. ground cinnamon

1 tsp. ground ginger

½ tsp. grated nutmeg

A pinch all spice

A pinch of ground garlic

250 ml apple cider vinegar (or vinegar of your choice)

100g brown sugar

A pinch of sea salt



  1. Rinse the elderberries and remove them from the stems, making sure to discard any green berries.
  2. Add everything into a saucepan and bring to the boil.  Once boiling turn down to a simmer for 45 mins (stirring occasionally).
  3. Meanwhile sterilise 2/3 small jars with hot water.
  4. Put the hot chutney directly into the hot jars, making sure there are not air gaps (press down tightly).
  5. Clean around the rim and put the lids on tightly.
  6. Leave on the side for 24hrs until the lids are sucked down.  If this does not happen, but the jar(s) in the fridge and use those first.
  7. Store in a cool, dark place.

Elderberries help the immune system, reduce inflammation and protect the heart (amoung other things). Then, if you add in the medicinal properties of ginger, cinnamon, garlic & nutmeg this chutney is probably the most medicinal chutney around.

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