What not to do if your nervous system is dysregulated…

Spend lots of time away from nature (lack of earth and sun, community and connection)

Spend lots of time Infront of screens (especially without blue blockers and grounding mats of sheets). Not switching screens off fully and looking at them at night/when you cannot sleep

Consume foods and drinks that spike your blood sugar (caffeine of any kind, sugars of most kinds including high sugar fruits (and especially juices), chocolate, white carbohydrates, and alcohol)

Consuming lots of carbohydrates in general (even the slower releasing ones)

Fasting or skipping meals

Skipping proteins and fats with every meal

Ignoring your body and putting off basic things like going to the toilet, eating, drinking and sleeping to the back of the queue

Ignoring your thoughts and feeling and pushing them away or distracting yourself from them

Ignoring your cycles and the cycles and seasons of life

Forgetting you are an animal and part of nature

Ignoring nervous system regulating techniques &/or things that make you feel safe and soothed and thinking you can think your way through the problem

Remembering to regulate as much as possible before meals and bedtime

Going to bed late (11.00pm and afterwards)

Cold plunges or extreme heats of any kind

Doing intense trauma ‘release’ work/practices

Doing things that scare you without doing to make you feel safe and soothed first

Thinking your body is against you

Thinking you know better than your body and nature itself

Living completely out of sync of what is local, seasonal, natural and ancestral to us

Listen to anyone else (including me) Infront of your own body and what it is whispering to you!

Nervous System Notes from a Nervous System Nut!


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