Tips for dyslexics from a dyslexic…

  • Learn not to care what people think!
  • Know, that even if you double and triple check something there will almost always be things in there that make perfect sense to you and absolutely no sense to you.
  • It’s OK if you get muddled, have complete mind-blanks or find it hard to focus.  Take your time and don’t give yourself a hard time.
  • Predictive text/auto-correct is not always your friend!
  • You can adjust the background colour and font on your devices to make it easier to focus.  You can write on yellow paper for this reason too.
  • Blue-light blocking glasses for using devices are your friend.
  • Using audio and visual learning practices is helpful.
  • Read as much as possible.
  • Try to get someone else to tell you how to say a new word, before you brain makes it up and you maybe (like me) cannot override this easily then.
  • You can still write books etc (that’s what lovely editors are there for).
  • It’s OK to be terrible (like me again) at learning languages because it really hard to understand our own language first.
  • It’s quite all right to tell scramble loving people that think playing scramble will ‘help you’ to stuff it where the sun dose not shine!
  • We become very clever at finding workarounds to many things as dyslexics, so although our brain may not work quite like some it’s quite resourceful with other things.  Let’s celebrate that!



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