Tips for Chronic Illness…
There are many people saying how to get well from CFS (& similar illnesses), but what about how to deal with each day of having a chronic illness? So, I thought I’d write a list of helps hints for day in the life of someone with a chronic illness.
- Try to wake up at the same time (preferably as the sunrises) each day.
- Try to go to bed early, before 10.00pm (if you need to take a nap during the day).
- Try to get outside every day, if you cannot manage getting outside, then open a window and get the sun or at least day light in your eyes and on your skin for as long as possible.
- If you can get outside each day, put as much bare skin (at least your feet) in contact with the earth for as long as possible. If you cannot do this then look into grounding sheets/mats and zappers and use daily.
- Boil a flask of water to last the whole day so you don’t have to keep getting up for drinks and to make sure you drink enough. And, maybe had some fulvic electrolytes to this occasionally.
- Get a little bed/sofa table to eat/read/have computer on in bed or on the sofa.
- Switch off all electrical devices off at night, stop looking at screen at least and hour if not two before bed, never look at them during the night or first thing in the morning and hardwire in as many devices as you can so you have less wifi going on around you. Don’t use fitbits, watches the monitor your every move, wireless keyboards/mouse/earbuds or speakers for this reason either.
- Use blue-light blocking glasses when looking at screens.
- Eat plenty of good fats and proteins and reduce carbs and sugars (especially at breakfast).
- Eat seasonal and local foods where possible.
- Prepare meals in advance if you can (bulk preparing or get someone else too) and freeze for the days you have less energy.
- Eat regularly, never skip meals/fast.
- Regulate your nervous system before each meal and before bed (and if you wake in the night).
- Make sure to make space each day for things that are fun, this helps regulate the nervous system.
- Remember we are animals and any way you can connect to your animal side and/or nature will help recovery.
- Focus on what you can do instead of what you cannot.
- Remember when you have a task to do you can do it with the energy of ‘I have to do this’ or ‘I get to do this’. The later will help you enjoy it more and even regulate the nervous system, and the former the opposite.
- Follow your energy/heart when asking yourself questions. When you ask yourself, a question where does your energy go? Up or down? Then you know if it’s for you.
- Lastly remember that there is nothing wrong with you, you having been trying to fit until a sick society and it has made you sick. You just need to unlearn all of this; that’s why sometimes it takes time.
These things may not seem all that important but all of them together can change your health around. Thanks, Faith x
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