How to know what to eat…

How to know what to eat…

How to know what to eat… The first thing to consider is to do nervous system regulating techniques before each meal.  When the nervous system is more regulated you uptake the nutrients from your food more easily.  Sitting down to eat feeling stressed/anxious and/or...
My Oxalate Journey

My Oxalate Journey

My Low Oxalate Journey… Many years ago, when I was still veggie/vegan/raw-vegan I came across this odd thing called oxalates.  Some people were claiming that chemicals (oxalates) in plants were killing us.  Being very narrow-minded with my diet/health journey at the...
Quince Syrup Recipe

Quince Syrup Recipe

Quince Syrup Recipe Syrups could not really be any easier to make. And although there is a lot of sugar in this recipe, what you finally do with it doesn’t have to contain the same amount of sugar. I like to make syrups from things when I don’t have time...