Fun with Firewood

Fun with Firewood

Fun with Firewood Firewood is a massive commodity here in Portugal as many homes, especially here is rural Portugal are not connected to the mains for electric or gas. Firewood is often used to heat the houses (from a log burning stove &/or radiators connected to...
Wintering in Portugal

Wintering in Portugal

Wintering In Portugal… I love the slow, purposeful pace of winters in Portugal.  The rest f the year can be quite hectic, but not winter, it’s just plodding along and we are forced to take shelter indoors more, nourish, nurture and make plans for the coming year. I...
Tips for Planting in Portugal

Tips for Planting in Portugal

Tips for planting in Portugal… I’ve been sharing a number of posts on Instagram recently about how, what and why plant a certain way, particularly in Portugal and I thought’s I’d put them all in one place for you all in this blog (where I can...
The benefits of having sheep

The benefits of having sheep

I recently got two new black baby lambs, just 2 months old.  Last year we have a friends flock of 30 sheep here for several months and that has inspired me to have a few myself since then.  They were quite scared to start with but are now getting us to me and the...