I CAN Do It!
So a week ago today I was in Glasgow's SECC listening to Bruce Lipton speak about our pre-programmed subconscious mind and how it effects our life. This was part of the Hayhouse 'I Can Do It' event. This was the first time I've heard Bruce talk, although I've read...
Raw Food & Is Our Life Mapped Out?
Hi there, I realise I forgot to mention in my last blog how my Mini Raw Food Workshop went. Well it went really rather well! A lovely group of people attended, we made some beautiful, healthy, nutritious and very yummy food and talked about the many benefits of raw...
Organic Farms and Writers Workshops
Well life is just flying by these days! I love the fact I now have the energy (and brain power) to do and enjoy a whole host of things. Every day that passes proves to me how much I've grown and evolved since having ME/CFS and also since recovering from it. Not long...
Wow, what a month!
Sorry it's been a while since I last posted but there's been so much going on I simply haven't had the time, but I'm here now! A few weeks ago I had the privilege to be an exhibitor (with my Vega food intolerance tester) at the first Health and Fitness festival in...
Alkalising & Meetup Planning
Hello all, here I am again! This week has been a bit of a fact-finding one, so I thought I'd share some of my findings and some of my plans with you all. I have been reading a number of books and websites recently on alkalising one's body, the effects of an acidic...
Mind, Body & The Economics of Happiness
Well, where do I begin? I've had such a lovely week, which started off last weekend with 3 days at Samye Ling (http://www.samyeling.org/) Buddhist Monastery down in the Borders. I completed module one of a year-long Mindfulness course with the Mindfulness Association...
Don’t live your label, give yourself credit & natural products
Don't live your label, give yourself credit & natural products.
Don’t Live Your Label; Give Yourself Credit & Natural Products
Well I feel I must begin this blog by saying how very pleased I am with this beautiful weather. Every opportunity I've had I've been out in the sun soaking up some Vitamin D. It's recharging my batteries. I have even taken my laptop out to the garden to write this...
Plastic, Workshops, Raw Food and Magic Treatments……
So it's plastic-free July and I've been trying to do my best to not only cut down on the amount of plastic we use during July, but for it to have a more permanent impact on our plastic usage. This has taken some thinking about and a bit of research, but I feel we're...
Hello and welcome to Me, my Vega machine & ‘Lets’
Hello I'm Faith, I'm 34 and this is my first blog, so this is as new to me as you are to this page! You can find out more about me and what this blog will be about in the 'About Me' section, so please feel free to have a nose there. So now where do I begin...... So...

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