28 Day Challenge Day Six & Seven

So you're almost at the end of your first week.  How are you finding it? I've grouped days six and seven together and I have a treat for you! Firstly, for day six (Saturday) you won't be given any additional items to add to your daily routine, instead we'll be...

28 Day Challenge Day Five

Welcome back! How's everyone doing?  Can you see light at the end of the tunnel.....for the first week? So as per the previous 4 days, you'll continue with all the items introduced in these days but we'll be adding in a couple of extra things for day 5. Day Five...

28 Day Challenge Day Four

So how have the first three days been for you all? Are you finding it easy, hard or are you just dipping in and out? Please feel free to share your experiences and any questions you have in the comments box at the bottom of this blog. Day Four (Thursday): We'll be...

28 Day Challenge Day Three

So how has everyone got on with the last two days? I hope your all getting into the swing of things now? So for day three we'll be carrying on with everything from day one and two but increasing some of them and adding an additional two items to your daily regime....

28 Day Challenge Day Two

Welcome back!   How did everyone get on with the first day then?  Did you find it easy, hard, or did you forget to start? Day Two (Tuesday): For Day Two we will be continuing with all of Day One's goals but with a few extra added on. This means you continue with all...

28 Day Challenge Day One

I would like to thank everyone for joining me on this 28 day challenge starting tomorrow. Each evening before the next day of the challenge you'll receive a new challenge email. If you have any questions or queries just pop them at the bottom of this blog post and...

Tips for Detoxifying Body, Mind & Home

Well I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year? I thought I'd write a blog on detoxing as no doubt a lot of people will be thinking about this after all the festivities. I wanted to give you some do's and don'ts of detoxing so you can make your own minds...

Healthy Christmas Tips

So Christmas is nearly upon us and I know it's likely that most of us are going to go a little crazy, eating and drinking too much, burning the candle at both ends and enjoying all that Christmas holds, so I thought it might be useful to give you a few Christmas tips....

The Wonders of Coconut Oil

A little while ago I wrote a blog about my Natural First Aid kit and in said blog I mentioned a little bit about the wonders of coconut oil.  Here's the blog in case you missed it: http://livingalifelesstoxic.com/2013/10/31/my-natural-first-aid-kit/.  Anyway, I don't...

From M.E to Recovery, or was that Negativity?

Sorry things have been a little quiet on the blog front.  I've had a number of other things going on and needed to give myself some much needed time to complete and address these first. Firstly, I finally finished putting together all the information for my From M.E...

Natural Cold Remedies

Last night I ran another Natural Products workshop.  It was a great evening, with a lovely group of people!  I love running workshops like this, I get a real buzz from the evening and also knowing I'm doing my little bit to help lessen the toxic impact we have on...

Just Another Visit to the Dentist?

Today's blog is inspired by my normal 6 monthly checkup with the dentist (oh exciting I hear you say)! When I got there today, there was a new dentist, a new fluoride pushing dentist!  I say this as I happened to mention to her I only use natural toothpaste and...

My Natural First Aid Kit

As most of you know, where possible I always try to avoid chemicals and this goes for my first aid kit as well.  Almost everything we use in our day-to-day lives has a natural and healthier alternative - after all most medicines etc originally came from nature (it's...

Natural, Organic & Palm Oil Free Soap Making

So as always lots has happened since my last blog post. For starters I've had another article published by the Ragged University.  This one is about living a less toxic life, so it may interest some of you on here.  This is also the topic of the book I'm currently...
