It’s time to go back to books!

I’m not just saying this because I’ve published some books, and this is going to sound like some sort of conspiracy theory, but you must have noticed this yourself!?…

When you look things up online now, even if you use an alternative search engine to something Googley like me, what your search shows now is almost always false and/or AI generated.  I’ve looked up tons of health things recently to send people links and found every single time the information is completely incorrect.  And, unless you know exactly what and who you are looking for the first several pages of information are often the complete opposite of the truth.

You used to at least get a mixture of mainstream medical advice, holistic woo woo stuff and then something in-between, but now you just total nonsense.

It really is time to dust off all those books in your attic, order yourself or find second hand some herbal, nutritional, foraging type books and start hoarding helpful, healing, traditional and skills building reference guides.

But, even then, just make sure they are not AI generated, as a LOTS of books coming out now are.  Check out the author, make sure they are legit and buy books again!

I’ll be slowly searching for more books full of farming and foraging skills.  Can anyone recommend anything?

Don’t believe most of what you read on the internet, listen to your own body (it’s your biggest and most reliable compass) and move back to more traditional ways of learning, growing and gaining knowledge.

PS:  Note; kindle versions that are downloaded to your kindle, even if your kindle is on flight mode (like mine), can and are being changed too, I’ve experienced this recently and it’s kinda freaky they can do that (although sadly I am not surprised).

PPS:  Have you noticed all of this too?



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