The Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar:

  1. Detoxifying
  2. It helps balance the pH level of your body, helping you become less acidic and more alkaline
  3. Helps with the treatment of stings, bites, sunburn, warts, skin tags and verruca’s
  4. Great for the health of your hair and works wonders as a hair shampoo
  5. Promotes weight loss
  6. It can help balance the flora of the gut/digestive system
  7. It can be used as an all-round cleaner throughout the home
  8. Helps whiten teeth and freshen breath
  9. May help balance blood sugar and blood pressure levels
  10. Gives us and our animals much needed electrolytes in the summer months.
  11. It helps mask animals, from fleas and ticks, so is great used as a dog shampoo
  12. Can be added to chicken / bird water to give them electrolytes too, reduce parasite issues and to keep their water a little cleaner and fresher for longer.

I’ve never understood why apple cider vinegar is so expensive to buy, when it’s so cheap and easy to make! And here’s how:


  • Organic apples (whole or scraps)
  • Brown sugar (1 tbsp, per 230ml of water)
  • Fresh, filtered water (to fill vessel)
  • 200ml of a previous batch of raw apple cider vinegar (or some from the supermarket but make sure it’s raw)
  • Vinegar mother/scoby (or if you don’t have this a normal Kombucha or Jun scoby will do)


  1. Rinse apples/scraps (I used whole windfall apples cut into cubes this time) and cut into large chunks.
  2. Put the apples in your chosen jar and allow to brown slightly.
  3. Pour in your apple cider vinegar from a previous batch.
  4. Add in water to cover apple pieces, but also make sure you are a couple of inches from the top of the jar.  Make a note of how many 230ml’s of water you have in the jar and ass 1 tbsp. of sugar for each one.
  5. Add in your mother/scoby and then weigh everything down below the level of the liquid (with something like a sterilised weight, a small bowl or a bag of water).
  6. Cover with muslin and an elastic band and leave for 6 weeks (after which time no sugar will be left).
  7. Strain and a glass container, preferably somewhere cool-ish.

This will keep for a year or more!

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