I know money is tight for a lot of people, so I have managed to shift some things around and have a new early-bird price of £79.00 (down from £111.00) for my Let Love Give Your Wings Workshop.
10.00 – 16.00
Arthur Conan Doyle Center
If you’re tired of judging yourself, putting yourself down, dishonouring your body, disrespecting your history and disliking who you are and the life you lead, then this is the workshop for you.
I’m really excited about this workshop as I know how much of a positive impact this work can have in so many areas of our lives
Through my work with my clients, I have found that behind many health conditions is a lack of self-love. And when we address this lack and embrace the beauty of who we truly are we go through some truly profound healing, both mentally and physically. I have seen energy and vitality substantially increase, relationships improve, pain slip away, disease in the body leave, passion and purpose shine through, finances flourish and not only how we feel about our bodies dramatically improve but even changes in the way our body looks and feels follow suit, just from addressing our love of our self.
Using my own journey from self-loather to self-lover and that of the beautiful people I work with I have put together this workshop. Come and join me for my ‘Let Love Give You Wings’ workshop, where we will hold a space of love, respect and trust in ourselves, each other and our paths. You’ll learn some simple yet profound ways of ‘being’ and ‘living’, so that you stop fighting yourself and your life and truly let love in.
If you wish to take advantage of this limited time deal then follow the link below and click the ‘Buy Now’ button under the event details on my events page here.
And remember, if you can’t make it along to this event then you can view my Self-love Summit for free any time you wish on my Self-love Summit Playlist on my YouTube channel, here.
Love, Faith x