Well done everyone, you’ve now completed two weeks of the 28 Day Detox.

That’s half way through!

For Day Fifteen we are going to be increasing some of the items below:

1. Out with gluten, processed sugars, sweeteners, alcohol, fizzy drinks and energy drinks

2. Meditate for 15 mins a day (do a guided meditation if you’re new to this)

3. Drink at least 3 litres of water a day

4. Do 30 seconds of planking

5. Pick another drawer or cupboard to de-clutter, use the natural vinegar solution (mentioned in day two) as a cleaner rather than any toxic chemicals.

6. Note 25 things you are grateful for in your gratitude pad.

7. Increase the amount of steps or length of time you walk today by 5% from the previous day’s total.

8. Take a daily probiotic

9. Eat 7 fruit or vegetables a day (preferably raw for optimum nutrition) and include flax, chia and hemps seeds into you diet.

10. Make sure you have breakfast within a hour of getting up and don’t skip meals, make sure to eat something (if only something little) every 3-4hrs.

11. Reduce your caffeine intake by 75%, or replace it with green tea.

12. Watch at least one inspirational or motivational video each day.

13. Have at least one smoothie or a juice every day (the choice is yours which one), but make sure it has some veggies in as well as fruit.

14. Swap brown carbohydrates for the white ones.

15. Daily body brush.

16. Get off the bus a stop early or park your car at the wrong side of the car-park to your destination.

17. Replace unhealthy trans fats with coconut or olive oil.

18. Introduce a 10 minute yoga, pilates, tai-chi or Qi Gong routine to three days of your week.

19. Try not to say negative things about yourself, either out loud or in your own head.

20. Introduce some superfoods into your daily diet.

21. Replace normal chocolate with dark, high cocoa concentrated chocolate.

22. Consider switching one of your skin or hair care items to a natural alternative.

20. Introduce some superfoods into your daily diet. Items like blueberries, oily fish, spinach, pistachio nuts, peppers, quinoa, brown rice, avocados, garlic, goji berries, broccoli, lentils, apples, sweet potatoes, hemp seeds, chia seeds, watercress and oats are all super foods and should be included in your diet for optimum health.

21. If you are still treating yourself to the odd bit of chocolate please replace this with dark, high cocoa concentrated chocolate. Believe it or not some consider dark chocolate a superfood. Cocoa is full of antioxidants, it’s thought to lower blood pressure and contains lots of healthy plant compounds.

22. Consider switching one of your skin or hair care items to a natural alternative.

So that’s it for Day Fifteen, but tomorrow we start adding in a few new things again =0)

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