My Oxalate Journey

My Oxalate Journey

My Low Oxalate Journey… Many years ago, when I was still veggie/vegan/raw-vegan I came across this odd thing called oxalates.  Some people were claiming that chemicals (oxalates) in plants were killing us.  Being very narrow-minded with my diet/health journey at the...

Pemmican Recipe

Pemmican Recipe

Pemmican Recipe I'm a big fan of making my own foodie produce (as you can see from all the recipes for raw-vegan & veggie foods, cakes and such like over the years here on this blog).  So, when I moved over to eating mostly animals proteins and a small amount of...

Why I failed at being Vegetarian, Vegan & Raw-Vegan

Why I failed at being Vegetarian, Vegan & Raw-Vegan

Why I failed at being Vegetarian, Vegan & Raw-Vegan I was 9yrs old when I became a vegetarian (when I realised where meat came from). My Mum thought it was a faze, so just let it happen, that faze ended up lasting over 33 yrs (I was always a bit stubborn ha)....

Fermented Foods Reduces Oxalates (& more)

Fermented Foods Reduces Oxalates (& more)

Fermentation Reduces Oxalates As you know if you have been hanging around here for a while, fermented foods and drinks are so good for sooo many things (I will link my benefits list in my stories).  But recently even though I have been a total fermenting freak for...

Simply Being – Poem – Thingy! ;0)

Simply Being – Poem – Thingy! ;0)

As the years pass by As the body ages As the leaves fall from the trees And the seasons pass A slowness creeps in Not one of aging but one of growing Not needing to prove, to change, to please A lessening The story not complete, but not needing to be anything else The...

Please stop trying to fight cold’s and flu’s

Please stop trying to fight cold’s and flu’s

Please stop trying to fight cold’s and flu’s. Like many others I used to think colds, coughs and flus were a bad thing, a thing to be fought, avoided & stopped. I used to think there was something wrong and something to be fixed! However, over the years and me...

It’s time to go back to books!

It’s time to go back to books!

It’s time to go back to books! I’m not just saying this because I’ve published some books, and this is going to sound like some sort of conspiracy theory, but you must have noticed this yourself!?... When you look things up online now, even if you use an alternative...

Fruit Leathers Recipe

Fruit Leathers Recipe

Fruit Leathers Recipe Ingredients 500g (roughly) of fruit of your choosing 100ml of fruit juice (like the juice of lemon, orange or lime) 1 tbsp. honey or maple syrup if it does not taste sweet enough for you Optional: a pinch or two of cinnamon   Directions...

Homemade Tomato Ketchup Recipe

Homemade Tomato Ketchup Recipe

Tomato Ketchup Recipe   Shop-bought ketchup has so much rubbish in it and not very much nourishment, but it’s really easy to make your own.   Ingredients 1kg tomatoes 300ml apple cider vinegar 160g brown sugar 2 tsp. garlic powder 2 tsp. onion powder...

The Journey…

The Journey…

The Journey... Just over 8 years ago I had just returned from my 500m/800km pilgrimage along the French route of the Camino de Santiago. I walked this distance in 24 days, my last day completing 52km in one day. I share this not to brag but to share the journey that...

Probiotic Wild Fermented Soda’s

Probiotic Wild Fermented Soda’s

Alternative Seasonal Soda's using a Ginger Bug Starter Ingredients: Choose a base from one of the below items 375ml sugar 2 lemons, juiced 6L of water 1x ginger bug   Directions: Put chosen base and 2L of water into a large pan and bring to the boil. Once boiling...

Black Bean Miso Recipe

Black Bean Miso Recipe

Black Bean Miso There are so many different miso recipes you can try, I don’t eat soya, so I experimented with a lot of different one’s an found, by far that my favourite in back bean miso, so here’s the recipe for that… Ingredients 800g of black beans 1kg of koji...

How I make Kombucha

How I make Kombucha

How I make Kombucha For many years I made Kombucha the standard way (you can check this out at the bottom of this post). Then I realised that you did not have to use caffeinated teas to make kombucha, but that kombucha can be made with anything which his high in...

Homemade Tomato Sauce / Soup Recipe

Homemade Tomato Sauce / Soup Recipe

Every summer I grow and can (cook and seal in jars) some tomato sauce / soup to last the rest of the year. I call is sauce / soup because I use the same basic recipe for everything and then depending on what I use it for later on, like a chilli etc I will add in a few...
