Trauma Release
Trauma Release People often think that to heal they must address all their traumas, do all the work and release all that needs to be released. Although this can sometimes be helpful most of the time it is not. Firstly, our body needs to feel safe to release trauma and...
Fun with Firewood
Fun with Firewood Firewood is a massive commodity here in Portugal as many homes, especially here is rural Portugal are not connected to the mains for electric or gas. Firewood is often used to heat the houses (from a log burning stove &/or radiators connected to...
Wintering in Portugal
Wintering In Portugal… I love the slow, purposeful pace of winters in Portugal. The rest f the year can be quite hectic, but not winter, it’s just plodding along and we are forced to take shelter indoors more, nourish, nurture and make plans for the coming year. I...
Tips for travelling with a chronic illness
Tips for travelling with chronic illness… Ground (bare feet on the soil) if you can before travel and as soon as you can after travelling (this is especially important on very long journeys). Tap/EFT on all the doubts, worries and stressors about it as they come up. ...
Tips for dyslexics from a dyslexic
Tips for dyslexics from a dyslexic… Learn not to care what people think! Know, that even if you double and triple check something there will almost always be things in there that make perfect sense to you and absolutely no sense to you. It’s OK if you get muddled,...
Helping Histamine Intolerance
Helping Histamine Intolerance… Many people have histamine issues and have no idea! If you regularly suffer from a lot of the following list then you may have histamine intolerance going on; Allergies, hay fever, frequent runny nose, congestion, sore &/or swollen...
Nature / Electron Deficiency
Nature / Electron Deficiency… For years I’ve been talking about nature deficiency and how this seriously effects our health, how underrated it is in most people’s healing routine and how easy it is to fix. Anyway, I’ve recently found out this actually has a scientific...
How to preserve herbs
How to preserve herbs… Freezing – Pick fresh herbs, chop them up and freeze them into portions as they are or in olive oil or butter in ice cubes trays. These will only stay good/nutrient dense for 1-3mths this way. Drying – Pick fresh herbs and hang them up in...
Tips for Chronic Illness…
Tips for Chronic Illness… There are many people saying how to get well from CFS (& similar illnesses), but what about how to deal with each day of having a chronic illness? So, I thought I’d write a list of helps hints for day in the life of someone with a...
Ways to preserve your harvest
Ways to preserve your harvest... It’s easy to get carried away sowing all the seeds and planting all the trees and plants, but what happens if it all actually works? If you end up with hundreds of courgettes (which is so easily done) or you have a bumper crop of...
Tips for Planting in Portugal
Tips for planting in Portugal... I've been sharing a number of posts on Instagram recently about how, what and why plant a certain way, particularly in Portugal and I thought's I'd put them all in one place for you all in this blog (where I can also add to them as I...
How to cook with & look after your cast iron pans
How to use & look after your cast iron pans… I recently a story on my Instagram account about using cast iron and I got a flood of questions in my private messages about this, so I decided to answer them all and more in this blog. Why buy cast iron? They won’t...
Foods I ate that destroyed my health…
The things I ate that destroyed my health… My almost my whole life I have been fascinated with, in fear of and fixated on food. I became pescatarian at 9 years of age and then vegetarian, vegan, raw vegan and even considered breatharian at one point. I’d eating...
The benefits of having sheep
I recently got two new black baby lambs, just 2 months old. Last year we have a friends flock of 30 sheep here for several months and that has inspired me to have a few myself since then. They were quite scared to start with but are now getting us to me and the...

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