After many years of mental and physical ill health, I was in India and came down with suspected salmonella poisoning. I was ill for months and still didn’t feel right when I returned to the UK, where I found myself contracting Glandular Fever. After this I never recovered and in fact my health went down hill very quickly. About a year or so afterwards I was diagnosed with ME/CFS. I didn’t want to believe this diagnosis, as I believed people didn’t recover from this, so I spent the next year getting second, third, forth opinions on my health, all in vain.
To start with a tried the medical route of trying to manage my symptoms, but for me this just caused more symptoms, stress and exhaustion. I was getting worse and I was worried I’d end up like some of the horror stories I’d read about.
Things had to change, so I started to read and research every single recovery story I could find and found a common theme among them. They had all detoxed their mind, body and environment in some way or another to get well again. So, this was what I started to do. Somethings worked a little and some a lot, but slowly I started to feel my health returning to me.
Since recovering I have trained in many of the things that helped me recover and assist others in finding their own way to full health too. The most important top-tip I can give you though, is I have noticed is it’s super important to work with body and mind, not just one or the other!
Below I have laid out all the resources I have related to ME/CFS, just click on the image to be taken to the one(s) that interest you. My first book, Living A Life Less Toxic, came about as a result of my recovery from detoxing mind, body and home, so you will find most of what I talk about in other places there too. Cleanse, my second book, is a 6 week program to bring the body and mind back into balance, whilst detoxing and healing the digestive system.