Welcome to my vegetarian & vegan health webinar resources page…
I became pescatarian at the age of 9 (my Mum thought I would grow out of it), then vegetarian, vegan, raw- vegan (and even considered fruitarian and breatharian for a while too). I was veggie/vegan for over 30 years, but what turned me back the other way was a whole host of pretty serious health conditions, So, even though I was buying all the expensive supplements and eating all the superfoods and really looking after my health in so many ways something was seriously wrong.
After years of research I understand the pitfalls and the adjustments that should be made if you are choosing a vegetarian / vegan lifestyle and as such I wish to share these with others. Why? Because it’s a topic I feel very passionately about, I do not wish anyone else to go through the challenges I have been through (and I see so many clients go through) and because it is so much easier to prevent serious illnesses like auto-immune diseases, hormonal issues (especially fertility and miscarriage), heart conditions and thyroid issues (just to name a few of the most common one’s) than to heal them after they have happened.
Most vegetarians and vegans can remain feeling pretty healthy for 10 or 20 years, or even a few more, but then it seems (from my research and clients) things can go seriously wrong. And, by this point it’s MUCH harder to address/undo these concerns and many people end up having to make some pretty hard choices at this stage. I really don’t wish this on you, hence this free offering!
So, what I share in this free webinar recording (at the bottom of this page) and downloadable guide (HERE) are guidelines to greatly reduce the likelihood of this happening. Things that you can easily do now to keep your body feeling healthy, strong and vibrant for as long as possible. This is not just about food (although this of course is super important), it’s also about the other ways we ‘fuel’ ourselves. This includes our thoughts, lifestyles, cycles/seasons and living more connect to our body and nature once more.
I’m a certified Nutritional Consultant (holistic and sports), certified Herbalist, trauma informed therapist and so much more. You can read my full healing story / journey HERE, which also includes a list of my qualifications and books.
I’ve completely recovered from CFS/ME, Fibro, severe IBS, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, insomnia, an auto-immune condition and some heart conditions thrown in there too!
I feel very passionately about preventing chronic health conditions, instead of just trying to treat them after they have become a problem! If you have any questions at all after watching the webinar and reading the downloadable guide (HERE), then please fill in the ‘Get in Touch’ button at the top of the page.
You can get your accompanying downloadable guide HERE.
Hope you enjoy the recording,
Faith xx
Additional Resources:
I share the below not to ‘turn’ you away from plant-based lifestyles, but so you can understand the importance of certain nutrients and not having certain antinutrients and can do something about the one’s the really resonate with you before the onset of any potential chronic illnesses.
Vegetarianism Explained – Making an Informed Decision by Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride https://amzn.eu/d/4zIoquM
Put Your Heart in Your Mouth by Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride https://amzn.eu/d/1pxXYql
Toxic Superfoods by Sally K Norton https://amzn.eu/d/2nHbYoN
My recent interview with Sally K Norton https://youtu.be/dmLCBvxF0es Remember when watching this, it’s just a nudge towards a more natural and ancestral way of eating and not ‘another’ new diet to follow.
The Plant Paradox by Dr Steven R Gundry https://amzn.eu/d/2XVThyt
The Vegetarian Myth by Lierre Keith https://amzn.eu/d/41yOjZ5 I share this only for anyone that really wants to understand the potential health/environmental implications of this way of life.
My recent Interview with Lierre Keith https://youtu.be/uAxOhAcuE-s
The Whole Soy Story: https://amzn.eu/d/3TI00hZ
Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind book by Dr Georgia Ede https://amzn.eu/d/bJqJ8kS
An interview with Dr Georgia Ede and Nutrition with Judy about 5 most harmful foods for causing brain diseases https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RwReG_KqCss
Primal Fat Burner – Going Beyond the Ketogenic diet by Nora Gedgaudas https://amzn.eu/d/0eJQ9Yl
Why Vegans Have Smaller Brains & How Cows Reverse Climate Change https://amzn.eu/d/5d0iQbh I know the title is offensive, but they do talk a lot about the research and important of certain nutrients for brain health.
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