Freedom From Fatigue eBook

This book has been written for anyone suffering from long term fatigue who is really struggling to understand what is happening to them and how to ‘fit’ it.  

I had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for 6.5 years and adrenal fatigue for much of my life before this. 

I have now been fully recovered for over 12 years and am high energy all the time and feel amazing. So, this ‘stuff’ I share really works! 

Your investment in this eBook is just £5.00.

Please wait to be redirected after payment to the page to download your eBook!  

Trauma, Tension & Nervous System Regulation eBook

After a lifetime of dysregulation, chronic illness, intense pain and body and life hating I finally found the ‘magic pill’ and that was to start regulating my nervous system, finding pockets of safety in my day and allowing my body and mind to start to release the tension and trauma it has been holding onto all these years to keep me safe.  


We often blame our body for causing us so much pain and so many problems, but it’s really always trying to protect us, it’s just we don’t understand the language it’s using anymore, but we can, we can learn to listen again and thus to heal.

For just £5.00 you’ll get over 5000 words of guidance to assist you in regulating and releasing too.

Please wait to be redirected after payment to the page to download your eBook!  

Raising Happy & Healthy Chickens

In this ‘how-to’ guide to raising happy and healthy chickens I share about what’s important when it comes to chicken coops, how to have chickens on the cheap (yet still very happy and healthy), what feed to grow and worms to raise for them, how to prevent parasites and diseases and also how to treat them if they get them, what to consider if you are thinking about chicks and how chickens help the health of your garden and of course you.  The cost of this eBook is £5.00   

Please wait to be redirected after payment to the page to download your eBook!  

FREE Vegetarian & Vegan Health Guidebook

After years of research I understand the pitfalls and the adjustments that should be made if you are choosing a vegetarian / vegan lifestyle and as such I wish to share these with others.  Why? 

Because I feel very passionately about this topic, having been veggie/vegan for over 30 years and becoming so incredibly ill despite eating all the super foods & consuming all the supplements.

I do not wish anyone else to go through the challenges I have been through (and I see so many clients go through) and because it is so much easier to prevent serious illnesses like auto-immune diseases, hormonal issues (especially fertility and miscarriage), heart conditions and thyroid issues (just to name a few of the most common one’s) than to heal them after they have happened. 

Check out this free guidebook on the right… 
