It’s hard to believe that everything in our life is happening just as it should, especially when really bad things happen. When I used to hear people say to me ‘everything happens for a reason’ I used to agree with them if what was happening was nice but when it was crappy I’d find myself saying – but how can that be when there’s so many bad things happening to good people.

Having been abused as a child I could never get my head around that this was just part of my journey and yes it was probably one of the worst things to happen to me in my life and lead no to depression, drink, drugs, suicidal thoughts and eventually a whole host of health ailments.

But if it hadn’t been for the abuse, which lead to the years of mental and physical poor health and bad decisions I would never be where I am now. I wouldn’t of hit that rock bottom so often it became the norm, but then eventually propelled me forward into what I do now. I wouldn’t have understood or been ready for the awakening that has proceeded all the crappiness.

I was in a place of literally surviving and now I am in a place of thriving. I love what I do, I’m passionate, energetic and enthusiastic about what I do. I may have gotten here eventually but without what came before hand I wouldn’t have had the same healing journey and understood the importance of what I teach and how I work with my clients during their own healing journeys. And also understood, from a first hand prospective exactly how powerful all this stuff really is. I would have kept going thinking that’s what life was all about – not realising how intensely beautiful life is when we are not closed off to it, when we are fully open to all it has to share with us.

I believe we can all be like the phoenix and rise empowered and enriched from that which we feel had destroyed us. We simply need to learn ways to let go of our attachments and resistances to the crappy things in life – because that keeps part of us stuck there and closed off. And the first step is just to believe, believe whats best for you will come out of this as long as you are open to this you’ll see where to go and what to do next much more easily than if you are closed to this.

What is going on in your life is here to help you awaken to the beauty of who you are and what this life has to offer. The World isn’t against you or us, each thing that happens is an invitation to resolve something you may feel conflicted about going on inside you.

If you loss your job it may be because there is a better job or a more fulfilling purpose around the corner for you.
If a relationship ends perhaps their is a more nourishing relationship around the corner or you need to work on loving yourself more first.

If someone passes away perhaps that is a sign for you to go out their and experience more of life whilst you are here.
Everything is happening just as it should and when you are more open to this being the case and seeing the signs, you also have more energy (which would have been wasted on the conflict you were feeling before). It’s all happening to help us grow, evolve and embrace a little more of who we really are. So, try to see this in everything that is happening as conflict is so incredibly toxic to body and mind.

Believe, be open and embrace!

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