As some of you know I am in the process of writing a third book about loving ourselves and our lives more! Why?
Because I have found underneath much of the pain, discomfort, trauma and ill health for many people is a lack of self-love. And when we resolve this, when we take steps towards inviting more love into ourselves and our lives amazing healing experiences take shape.

People come to see me about diet, detoxing, weight loss, hormones, addictions, pain, low energy, various specific illnesses and mental health issues and time and time again we find that behind it all is a lack of self-love. They don’t feel worthy, enough and are playing the comparison game and this then manifests within the body and mind in some of the ways mentioned above.

I feel extremely passion about this topic as it’s something I myself have struggled with for most of my life and I know it’s something a lot of other people struggle with. I’m on a mission to help the World love itself more – which is why I am writing ‘Let Love In’- A guide to loving yourself and your life more!

It is also why I have been interviewing lots of my therapist/coach/healer friends about what self-love means to them and what their top tips for self-love are. And I’m pleased to let you know that I’ll be releasing one of these interviews a day for a week over valentines, from Monday 8th, until Sunday 14th Feb.

These interviews are going to be totally free to view, you won’t have to sign-up to anything or even put your mail address in anywhere. They will be free to view each day on my Facebook page, one a day for that whole week. And if you miss any of them you’ll find them all on my YouTube channel in my Let Love in playlist.

You don’t have to spend a life time is self-hate, self-loathing and self-comparison, you really, really don’t! There are lots of tips, techniques and guidance out there to loving yourself more! What you do have to do though is make a vow with yourself to practice inviting more love into each and every day. And by time I don’t mean just thinking about inviting more love into your life, I mean doing something to make it happen. This may be practicing gratitude, heart centered meditations, journaling, or one of the many tips that we’ll be sharing in the interviews I have just mentioned.

Let 2016 be the year you start to really love and heal and nurture yourself. When we let go of being in constant conflict with our body (and of course our lives) then our body rests in a much more healthy, harmonious and healing state. We start to let go of that which does not server us and instead embrace all that does. And when we look after ourselves we are much more able to look after others.

So, make a pledge to let more love into your life, and come on over to my Facebook Page and join the self-love party from Monday 8th Feb!

With much love a gratitude to you all xx

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