Hello and welcome to the final blog post for the 28 Day Detox!

How have you found the challenge? Easy, hard or have you just dipped in and out?

It’s been a great healthy start for 2015 for us all, hasn’t it?

So for the last two days of the challenge there aren’t any extra items to be added to your daily routine, you just need to continue with the below:

Day’s 27 & 28 (Sat & Sun):

1. Out with gluten, processed sugars, sweeteners, alcohol, fizzy drinks and energy drinks

2. Meditate for 20 mins a day (do a guided meditation if you’re new to this)

3. Drink at least 3 litres of water a day

4. Do 40 seconds of planking

5. Pick another drawer or cupboard to de-clutter, using a natural vinegar solution.

6. Note 25 things you are grateful for in your gratitude pad.

7. Increase the amount of steps or length of time you walk today by 5% from the previous day’s total.

8. Take a daily probiotic

9. Eat 7 fruit or vegetables a day and include flax, chia and hemps seeds in your diet.

10. Make sure you have breakfast within a hour of getting up.

11. Replace caffeinated drinks with herbal tea or at the very least with green tea.

12. Watch at least one inspirational or motivational video each day.

13. Have at least one smoothie or a juice every day.

14. Swap brown carbohydrates for the white ones.

15. Daily body brush.

16. Get off the bus a stop early or park your car at the wrong side of the car-park to your destination.

17. Replace unhealthy trans fats with coconut or olive oil.

18. Introduce a 20 minute yoga, pilates, tai-chi or Qi Gong routine to three days of your week.

19. Try not to say negative things about yourself, either out loud or in your own head.

20. Introduce some superfoods into your daily diet.

21. Replace normal chocolate with dark, high cocoa concentrated chocolate.

22. Consider switching one of your skin or hair care items to a natural alternative.

20. Introduce some superfoods into your daily diet.

21. If you are still treating yourself to the odd bit of chocolate please replace this with dark, high cocoa concentrated chocolate.

22. Consider switching one of your skin or hair care items to a natural alternative.

23. Try having 1 or 2 Epsom salt baths a week.

24. Start your day with fresh lemon, lime or warm ginger water (or a mixture of these).

25. Listen to least 15 mins of upbeat music a day.

26. Swap table salt for Himalayan salt.

27. Consider purchasing a Himalayan salt lamp or candle holders.

28. Introduce some detoxifying herbal teas into your daily regime.

29. Go organic with meat and dairy.

30. Consider taking part in the 100happydays challenge.  http://100happydays.com/

31. Take the adrenal fatigue questionnaire on Dr James Wilson’s adrenal fatigue website. http://www.adrenalfatigue.org/take-the-adrenal-fatigue-quiz

32. No more microwaving!

33. Out with the plastics!

34. Watch this film brilliant film called The Shift,  about letting go of our ego…

35. Try making at least 25% of every meal raw.

36. Soak your nuts and seeds.

37. Get out in nature!

38. Replace toxic air-fresheners in your home with a natural DIY version.

So that’s it, the 28 Day Detox almost complete!

Well done to everyone that’s taken part, I hope you’ve found it beneficial.

It’s advisable to try and pick at least a few of the above items to continue with, not to reintroduce all the naughty stuff back at once, but take your time.

It’s been great doing the 28 Day Detox together, wishing a happy and healthy 2015!

Watch this space for more blogs! =0)

If you haven’t already you might want to check out my free ebooks to download from my website, here.  There’s a choice of three books, a free-from ecookbook, a natural home and body care products ebook and a book about my recovery from ME/CFS. Enjoy!

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